
“In every man there is something wherein I may learn from him; and in that i am his pupil” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The secret to Success is one should always see oneself as a student who learns from other people. “Learning”, never ceases.
In the world of academia, the key to becoming a skillful Communicator is rarely taught; we are taught to focus on Grammar, Syntax and the like. The more subtle elements of Communication are rarely taught in the classroom.
At Change Institutes International, in the “Learn”, segment a participant unlearns in the “Pre Assessment, based on the level of competency a suitable course is recommended (A1 to C5).
Every course at CII included a Pre Assessment, a Mid Assessment and a Post Assessment. Performance Matrix of every participant is clearly monitored and provided on a Score Card.
Join us in the Art of Sounding better and build meaningful human connections in the Business and Social World.